Savage Engineering Inc.
Experience and Insight make the Quality Difference
Experience and Insight make the Quality Difference
Carl Savage's unique combination of skills include:
Carl Savage brings many of these skills and experiences to bare in each case. He provides the client's lawyer with accurate results and findings so they can determine how to proceed in each case.
Carl Savage displays confidence and ease in testifying as evidenced by his testifying 234 times in deposition and 20 times in the courtroom since forming Savage Engineering Inc..
He thoroughly analyzes the reconstruction and engineering aspects of each individual case. He then renders his expert opinions. Getting it right is his goal. These sometimes-complicated concepts are then presented in a clear and understandable manor.
Motorcycle and car collision at point of impact
Savage Engineering assists clients with their vehicle crash-related cases. Our clients range from individuals to corporations, law enforcement and government agencies. The quality of his work is evidenced by his having been consulted on over 1100 cases since forming Savage Engineering Inc.
Extensive background in crash testing, accident reconstruction and simulation
Aid attorneys in understanding design issues in patent infringment cases
The lack of hood damage showed that this accident was not a pole impact as claimed
Through experience, research of others and testing, we determine how vehicles and their safety systems performed in a specific accident or multiple accidents in the field
Collisions are individual and unique. Some are relatively straight forward to reconstruct and analyze, but others need sophisticated analysis and tools. Here are a few skills and techniques Savage Engineering has at their disposal: